Tormented by Mike Goelzer
A recent exchange with Mike that he has posted on my blog against my will:
What do you make of the fact that tonight's State of the Union speech did not address the recent controversy over GPL v3? This is an issue that has divided the open source community, with Linus and Stallman practically at each other's throats, and the president did not even mention it! Instead, he talked about issues like health care, which are only of interest to a small number of sick people who are probably still using the 0.11 kernel anyway.
This just goes to show how out of touch our politicians are with mainstream America. It's outrageous and it disgusts me.
Mike W. Goelzer
P.S. This message is protected under the "GPL v2 or later." In other words, if you have read this far, you need to send me all of your private signing keys. Please send me your blog password as well.
For the love of Gahweb (GHWB), will you please stop over-simplifying the situation. You know damn well that Linus and Stallman are not at each other's throats!
The reality is that Linus was at Stallman's throat, Stallman was after Eben Moglen, and it was Moglen who was at the throat of Mr. Torvalds. Ooh, and there is Simon Phipps! Phipps drops the hammer on Moglen while the diminutive Red Sea pedestrian is laying into Helsinki's finest. Out in the hallway, it's Bob Sutor with Chris diBona in a headlock! Wait, is that Chris diBona? No, it's Darl McBride wearing a Chris diBona mask! This could get ugly! Oh no, it's William Leibzon mixing it up with Vixie! What are they doing here? The NANOG conference isn't until April! Leibzon's got a gun! Noooooooooo!!!! Vixie is dead.
Alright, I have to go eat breakfast. Damn you.
Brndn McBride
How can you mention Darl McBride in the same digital breath as those other open source luminaries? McBride is like their antithesis; he is a black hole that absorbs the light emitted by the luminaries, thus paradoxically rendering them invisible. Have you ever wondered why it's so hard to see Richard Stallman clearly, even in broad daylight? It's because all he emits is Hawking radiation accounting for less than 1 x 10^-100 of his total luminosity.
(Notice how I put one over Googol there. Suckers!)
Seriously, though, remind me never again to challenge you on your own turf -- "your stuff," as some call it. I thought I was such an open source sophisticate because I knew that Linus had raised some objections to v3, but then you go and write back with a message listing a bunch of open source guys so fancy-pants that I've never even heard of them. I mean, Vixie, ok, fine, everyone knows that his name is on the crontab man page, but as for the rest of them... well, I guess I should stick to exchange-traded funds.
OK, fine, have it your way, dude, but here's my point. McBride was wearing a Chris diBona mask, suggesting that he was using subterfuge to infiltrate an open source cultists' event. You know of subterfuge, no? Misdirection? Michael Milken? Hello?
I didn't get your googol joke the first time I read it, as I had been set to evaluate all expressions, and my registers roll at 10^-64. Fortunately, it was flagged, and I got an SMS to my cello phane warning me of the error. Then I reread the joke, parsing it with evaluation turned off. Gahweb, that was a hilarious joke. I laughed all over the place. I Laughed Out Loud. Then I Read The Fucking Manual. Did I mention that I Am Not A Lawyer? Brndn
Oh, Mike Milken! Now I get it. You should have just used metaphors I can understand the first time around.
Also, nice one with the registers. I think this whole Googol joke thing is shaping up to be one of the funniest exchanges we've ever had. I may publish it; can you send me the admin password for your blog so I can get all the proper legal paperwork squared away to secure the copyrights? Thanks. Mike